Over many decades, the University has distinguished itself as an institution committed to rigorous basic, applied, and translational research; innovative academic and cocurricular programs; and renowned health care as well as transdisciplinary study, where science, technology, arts, humanities, and social sciences intersect to produce new knowledge and explore the human experience. This strategic plan honors and expands upon these core strengths and identifies bold and transformational areas of growth. Our past strategic plans have yielded transformative changes for our physical campuses, academic programs, and overall strategic initiatives and this plan will add to that tradition of success. Through this plan, the University may change how it works together to achieve its mission, but the path forward will be grounded in our institution’s traditions, rich history, and shared values. The plan will inform how the University and its school and business units make decisions; allocate resources; develop the roadmap for expansion and innovation; prioritize, coordinate, and collaborate; and better tell the story of the University.