The goal:

Research excellence and global reputation.

We are committed to building and reinvigorating our research ecosystem and leveraging our distinctive strengths.


The University of Rochester is at the cutting edge of critical research, discovery, and creative work. Looking ahead, we aim to make a powerful impact on local and global communities by investing in the areas of basic, applied, and translational research and creative work where we are best positioned to contribute to society in meaningful ways. Now is the ideal time to renew our institutional focus on these areas of distinction.

We will better leverage existing and new industry partnerships as well as our intellectual capital to scale the impact of our research while also seizing upon funding sources from federal and state agencies, the private sector, and foundations to support our efforts. We are committed to building and reinvigorating our research ecosystem as we extend our historical strengths into exciting new areas where we are in a position to lead.

Achievements of this goal

  • Create conditions that promote research addressing current and emerging issues that will affect society as well as the ability to recruit and retain extraordinary scholars who engage in this pursuit.
  • Create at least five new transdisciplinary centers.
  • Add at least 50 new faculty lines across the School of Arts & Sciences, Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, and Eastman School of Music, with additional new lines created in line with academic program and research growth in the Simon Business School, School of Medicine and Dentistry, School of Nursing, and Warner School of Education and Human Development.
  • Add a minimum of 300,000 new square feet of research and teaching space to River and Eastman campuses; 700,000 new square feet of clinical, teaching, and research space on the Medical Campus.
  • Enable an organizational structure that encourages and removes friction and barriers to transdisciplinary collaboration and interaction while being agile and responsive to emerging opportunities and simultaneously ensuring that the disciplines remain strong.
  • Define and support our doctoral graduate programs that are poised to contribute to the next generation of scholars, scientists, and creative leaders.

Objectives and progress

Our objectives and tactics lay out the steps we’re taking to drive progress. Each year, we will review our approach and launch new initiatives to ensure we respond to changing conditions and take advantage of new opportunities. Our core beliefs influence each tactic.

The tactics below are abbreviated. If you have any questions, want to collaborate on tactics, or have feedback, please contact us.


Grow, retain, and develop a diverse faculty in areas of distinction that will serve as the foundation for building our research eminence and reputation

As we endeavor to scale the impact of our research enterprise, we will need additional scholars to join our exceptional academic community. Through strategic cluster hires, we will identify both leading scholars and emerging scholars to direct and support these efforts. In doing so, we will add to our faculty ranks across our areas of distinction, further enhance the diversity of faculty in these areas, and implement support programming to develop faculty to be exceptional leaders in these fields.


  • Nicole Sampson, Provost and Chief Academic Officer

Tactics and progress

  • Further develop funding mechanisms between provost and school leadership for faculty recruiting and hiring
  • Establish work group to review faculty awards and distinction for national and global promotion
  • Coordinate DEIJ faculty development resources including recruitment processes that ensure equity in hiring
Tactics Status
Create a fund to commence recruitment of a minimum of new faculty lines Progress made
Provost and Deans identify areas of recruitment for faculty and coordinate cluster hiring and priority growth areas Progress made
Develop clear, consistent, and resourced retention and faculty development initiatives Progress made
Coordinate DEIJ faculty development resources including recruitment processes that ensure equity in hiring Progress made


Launch nimble, transdisciplinary centers for scholarly domains where we can be most consequential

Many of the most exciting breakthroughs in knowledge occur at the intersections of scholarly disciplines—both when people from disparate disciplines directly collaborate and even more so when scholars steeped in one discipline apply lessons from other disciplines to reshape their own fields or establish brand-new fields. Part of our hiring strategy will focus on faculty who strengthen the core areas of disciplinary strength in the areas of distinction and those who are committed to pushing the boundaries of their disciplines. We have demonstrated success in establishing transdisciplinary centers that examine and translate research for the greater good of our society and communities, including the Humanities Center, the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and the Goergen Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The University of Rochester has a long and storied history of being at the forefront of the invention—and reinvention—of fields, from positive social science to optics to the biopsychosocial model of medicine. Establishing new mechanisms for colleagues across disciplines to more easily collaborate and learn from one another will allow us to build upon and accelerate this tradition.

We will establish at least five new centers, funded in five-year, renewable increments, based upon the very best ideas of the faculty using a competitive process. Funding will be renewed for centers that show the greatest promise in terms of scholarly eminence, new faculty development, learning across disciplines, and, when appropriate, success in grant funding and associated graduate programs.


  • Nicole Sampson, Provost and Chief Academic Officer
  • Stephen Dewhurst, Vice President for Research and Chief Research Officer

Tactics and progress

  • Establish resources to support faculty proposal development and access to resources encouraging collaboration
  • Determine selection criteria and deliverables for phase 2 of transdisciplinary funding and support
  • Develop marketing and branding research initiative to gather insights to build a more competitive and comprehensive marketing campaign
  • Identify and evaluate state and federal grants to coordinate submission efforts among government relations, research office, school and department research leads
Tactics Status
Develop a new, competitive method for selecting transdisciplinary centers Completed
Establish selection criteria for selecting new centers; Create review process and volunteers to vet proposals Completed
Establish resources to support faculty proposal development Progress made
Begin development for marketing research, centers, and faculty success Progress made


Improve research facilities and operations to make research easier to conduct and more effective

As the University prepares to launch new transdisciplinary research programming and initiatives aimed to increase research productivity, we will need to ensure that we have the appropriate infrastructure, operations, and resources to support our ambitious goals and objectives. This will include investing in new research facilities, new operational capabilities, and responsive, efficient policy and administration to ensure pre- and post-award activities that enable and incentivize research productivity. It will also require resourcing a Vice President of Research office that drives strategic engagement, resource allocation, and collaboration across the University.


  • Stephen Dewhurst, Vice President for Research and Chief Research Officer
  • Nicole Sampson, Provost and Chief Academic Officer

Tactics and progress

  • Build ecosystem to support research and strategic partnerships connected to the region’s growth as a national and global innovation and technology hub
  • Continued engagement with regional, state, and federal agencies and leverage existing relationship to support development of infrastructure in city and region
  • Develop strategy for increased funding for early-stage start-ups that are based upon university research initiatives and collaborations
  • Clearly define physical space needs to advance research efforts and support faculty (short- and long-term) as part of master planning process
Tactics Status
Commence planning for and resourcing new academic facilities Completed
Develop clear strategy and plan for research commercialization Progress made
Apply for regional, state, federal support for development of infrastructure in city and region for innovation Progress made
Develop strategy increased funding for early-stage start-ups Progress made
Develop a comprehensive strategy and proposed approach to increase University F&A rate Completed


Support and strengthen doctoral programs emerging from our areas of distinction.

Graduate education has long been critical to our research and academic enterprises at the University of Rochester. Specifically, doctoral study and scholarship is essential to the near-term and long-term growth of our research enterprise and mission to make the world ever better through the work of our graduates. Investing in graduate programs, both within disciplines and across disciplines, will support research growth by allowing our faculty to work at greater scale and with improved quality, and strong doctoral programs will further enhance our rich history of developing the careers of the next generation of scholars, scientists, creative leaders, and industry leaders. By investing in these programs, they will also provide critical avenues to enhance our campus’s diversity today while also cultivating diverse faculty and industry pipelines for the future. We will seek to cultivate a rich, inclusive culture of scholarship across our campus.


  • Nicole Sampson, Provost and Chief Academic Officer
  • Stephen Dewhurst, Vice President for Research and Chief Research Officer
  • Rick Libby, Interim Vice Provost and University Dean of Graduate Education

Tactics and progress

  • Further develop process and structures for Doctoral program review to support graduate student education and academic program outcomes and needs
Tactics Status
Review student success and faculty support initiatives in doctoral programs Completed
Conduct a 360-degree view of doctoral student financial support Completed

Measures of success

Definitions of measures of success will be coordinated across the University to create consistency and increase transparency.

  • External grants supporting research
  • Publications, inventions and discipline-specific scholarly works
  • Diversity of the faculty, students, and staff
  • Honorific awards (external to the University)
  • National/International metrics and rankings